The approximately 80 Williamsburg library supporters who packed the Chesterville library March 21, will get another chance to show their support for the small town library.
The SD&G library board, which decided late last year that the Williamsburg and Morrisburg branches of the SD&G library will be consolidated at the new Morrisburg location, later this year, met in Chesterville last week. There, Lisa Vreman, one of many strong supporters of keeping the Williamsburg branch open, in Williamsburg, was allowed to make a presentation.
“One of the most frustrating things about this announcement is that there was no discussion or consultation with the Williamsburg community about this closure,” Vreman told the board.
After her presentation, which outlined the importance of the branch to the small community, which strongly supports the branch, board chairman Bill McGimpsey announced that the board will hold a public information meeting, including a question and answer session, in Williamsburg in late April or early May.
“We are not hiding anything. This is about the survival of the library system. No one at this table wants to do a disservice to the community. Libraries simply aren’t what they were,” said McGimpsey.
At the upcoming meeting he plans to release details about some alternatives they are working on to maintain some level of service within the community.
“I was really pleased with the turnout at the meeting,” said Vreman after the meeting. “I think the library board heard a lot about our Williamsburg library that they didn’t know before.”
At the meeting, board member Chris McDonell said that he is not in favour of closing the Williamsburg branch. “This board is here to promote the library, not to close it,” said McDonell.
When someone in the audience asked if there was any possibility that the branch could remain open until the building that houses the library is no longer available, McGimpsey re-iterated that the plan is to move in to the new location in Morrisburg as soon as it is ready.
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