The South Dundas Sports Lending Library, established in 2012 to allow residents of South Dundas to access a wide variety of sporting goods, is becoming very popular.
“The Sports Lending Library is working very well,” said Ben Macpherson, South Dundas recreation program coordinator.
Macpherson established the program with a successful Trillium Funding Application and now has sports equipment of all kinds available, for for residents of South Dundas to freely borrow.
“The snowshoes have been very popular this winter,” said Macpherson, who says that area schools have made use of them to provide their students the opportunity to try something new.
“The schools are strong supporters of the program,” he said, adding that currently one of the schools has borrowed a number of helmets and skates for a skating trip to the canal in Ottawa.
“Also getting a lot of use are the skates at the arena,” said Macpherson.
“We had one person borrow a pair because he hadn’t been skating in 20 years. Now, he comes every week and borrows the same pair.”
That’s the whole point of the library, facilitating physical activity for South Dundas residents.
The Sports Lending Library is located beside the Dundas County Food Bank. Available for borrow are snowshoes of all sizes, basketballs, volleyballs, footballs, cross country skis, badminton and bocce ball sets. Skates and helmets are available within the Morrisburg Arena in all sizes, from children’s to youth to adult.
“Several families have borrowed the cross county skis,” said Macpherson, explaining how great it is for people to have the opportunity to enjoy these outdoor winter sports without having to invest in the costly equipment.
“It’s also great if you have visitors coming to town,” he said explaining that you can outfit them to enjoy some recreational activities with you, again without having to invest in equipment.
Looking forward to the summer months, Macpherson is hoping to bring in canoes and kayaks to the lending library.
Anyone with questions about the South Dundas Sports Lending Library can contact Ben Macpherson at 613-543-2937 or
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