Perspectives by Rev. Norine Gullons

God is always present

In 1984 there was a primetime television show that aired that captured audiences attention. Perhaps because the family scenarios that took place were familiar patterns of conflict in any family.

The Bill Cosby Show demonstrated to us how to resolve family tensions through the portrayals of the characters on view. Humour was a large part of the scenes, and as we look back at those shows now, we see other dimensions of “family life”. 

We sometimes neglect or forget altogether, when trying to resolve conflict, that we all need to have some elements of patience and trust, mindfulness and flexibility.

Another modern philosopher, Erma Bombeck, in her column, “if I had my life to live over again”  wrote words like; “there would have been more I love yous, more I am sorry, but mostly, I would seize every minute, look at it and really see it, live it and never give it back.”

I believe that God calls each one of us by name. God always calls us in love, even the times when we have made mistakes or done something we shouldn`t have done. 

God always says I love you   . . . . . . (insert your own name.)  we are claimed by him as part of his family  –  his sister and brother and mother, part of the kingdom, drawn into the inner circle of the mystery of the grace and love of God.  

During difficult times in family life, we need to remember that God is always present to love us and guide us and make each day of our lives count for something good in His kingdom.

Pastor Norine +

Rev. Norine Gullons  

South Dundas Evangelical

Lutheran Parish


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