Seaway Honours Undergrads


 Parents, teachers and fellow students gathered at Seaway District High School on Thursday, November 22, at 7 p.m., to celebrate the undergraduate winners of academic honours last year. Welcomed by principal Terry Gardiner, the recipients were from grade nine to grade 11.

“It was really a wonderful evening,” said Mark Lewis, guidance counsellor at Seaway. “It is always great to honour this school’s finest award winners. The ceremony was very well attended by staff, students, families and the community.”

It is a long standing tradition at Seaway to recognize the efforts of grades 9-11 students in a special assembly in the late fall. 

This year 85 students were presented with awards in all different subject areas, including co-op, by their teachers and administration. The awards are based on highest academic standing in a given subject area. Also presented at the ceremony are special Character Education Awards, from the Upper Canada board, that recognize solid citizenship.

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