Perspectives by Rev. Norine Gullons


A Thankful Focus on Life

The outdoor yard work has been completed. Lawn furniture has been put away. 

Plants and herbs that are to be kept over the winter have been brought into the house. Gardens are being turned over and root vegetables are being tucked away in fruit cellars for the winter. “Stuff ”has been taken to the dump. People have made the final trek to close up their cottages. Now they are thinking about their vehicles and the things that need to be completed before winter is upon us.

We become so preoccupied with everyday living that I wonder if we take the time to look around us and be thankful.

On Thanksgiving Sunday, I asked people to write, as part of their offering, what they were thankful for in their own personal lives. The little slips of orange paper revealed what is truly valued.




Our faith family

Our country

The trials and unexpected joys that bring us closer to God 




Good weather

Good harvests

The miracles that God grants us in our times of need

We could also add to the list the fact that we have the Human Rights Code and Charter of Rights which support our right to practice freedom of religion and spirituality.

I am going to make this suggestion to you, the reader. This evening, after you have read your weekly Morrisburg Leader, take some time out and make your own list of what you are thankful for. Keep the list in your private journal or put it up on your fridge as a daily reminder of the blessings in your own life.  

Until we chat again, 

Pastor Norine


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