Fading signs need replacement


Hamlet signs in South Dundas are fading and deteriorating, and it has become much more noticeable now that our neighbours have replaced their existing signs with new, redesigned hamlet and welcome signs.

South Dundas councillor Archie Mellan brought the issue to the South Dundas council table Oct. 16 to bring to staff’s attention the need to do something with a couple of existing signs that need repairs. 

However, discussions steered instead towards highlighting the need to re-sign the entire municipality with new, uniform redesigned hamlet and welcome signs.

“We seem to have a wide variety of them,” said Mellan. “It would be nice to see something done like our neighbours to the north. Their new signs look nice. I do realize there is a cost to make everything uniform.” 

“We do need to renew our signs,” agreed South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds. “Signs boast of where you live and North Dundas, in their second time around, have done a really good job. The signs give you a good sense of where you are.”

“Our signs are starting to fade. I think for now we’ll patch up what we have and work towards a new plan,” said Mayor Byvelds. 

As part of an upcoming report about the Upper Canada Region branding concept, South Dundas clerk Brenda Brunt says that the issue of signs will be discussed.

“Also, all the traffic on the 401 needs to know who we are and what we have to offer,” said Byvelds.

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