Personal best for St. Lawrence Rowers at the Head of the Trent


The 30 members of the St. Lawrence Rowing Club (SLRC), that rows out of the Galop Canal in Iroquois, has put away their paddles for the season which was highlighted, Saturday 29, with personal best performances at the Head of the Trent Regatta in Peterborough.

At Peterborough, the local club entered two boats in the 4km regatta. 

The recreational 8 finished in second place out of 13 boats with a time of 13:22 and the recreational 4 finished fourth out of 10 boats with a time of 15:42.

One of the newest members of the St. Lawrence Rowing Club, Olivia Wouters, competed in a novice women’s boat for the University of McMaster.

Wouters completed the SLRC’s Learn to Row program that ran for four weeks in May and June, before rowing recreationally with the St. Lawrence Club for the rest of the summer.

The St. Lawrence Rowing Club is  looking back on a season that included participation in three regattas including one at Burnstown and the Head of the Rideau, along with the recent regatta in Peterborough.

The club also benefitted from a Trillium Grant which is being used to purchase a new boat. The new stern-coxed four will be a lighter boat than the ones currently in the club and will be in the club’s possession for the 2013 season.

Pictured right are the recreational 8 rowers (Peterborough). Front l-r, they are Jocelyn Madge, Oliver Beal (fan), Andy Lee and Nancy Jordan. Back, l-r are Sue Welsh, Matt Kelemen, Sally McMullen, Jon Beal, Art Pearse and Jessica Tozer (coxswain).


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