Community strategic plan gets approval

A ten year Community Strategic Plan received in principle approval at the September 18 South Dundas council meeting.

The plan, based on much public consultation and input, including that of local high school students, sets out seven guiding principles for the municipality and its decision-makers.

South Dundas’ Seven Community Directions are as follows:

-encourage and facilitate waterfront development;

-develop our municipal identity to celebrate South Dundas’ rich history and culture;

-create recreational programs, opportunities and facilities that will attract and retain families, children and youth;

-strengthen resident and visitor’s connections to South Dundas’ agricultural sector through awareness building and increased availability of products/produce;

-support business expansion and job creation;

-sustain South Dundas’ small town lifestyle through appropriate development;

-implement beautification projects to strengthen our sense of pride and community.

The plan includes an implementation strategy that sets out what actions need to be taken to fulfil the guidelines of the plan, when these should take place and which department of the municipal government should be responsible for those actions.

Late 2012 the expected actions include:

– advertising the availability of land/business space through the municipality’s website and through billboards adjacent to Highway 401 and County Road 31;

– promoting community clean up days in the township newsletter; and

– implementing a sign bylaw.

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