Grand Day for Duck Hunting


Every one of the 1,000 duck tickets for the great 2012 Duck Race, held on Sunday morning, August 5, by the Morrisburg & District Lions Club, was sold out ahead of time. 

“We are so very pleased with the response of the community to the event,” said Lion Judy Charette, as she joined fellow Lions, volunteer helpers, dogs, handlers and the crowd at the Morrisburg beach, to enjoy the fun-filled ‘race.’ “This community has once again united to support us. The funds we raised with the Duck Race will all go back into Lions’ events and causes right here in South Dundas. All I can say, is get your tickets early next year.” 

Five very keen dogs, Gemma, Willow, Heidi, Cocoa and Dublin, did the ‘duck hunting’ honours, to the applause and encouragement of folks on the shore, plunging into the waves to haul out the numbered prize winning yellow birds. 

The strong wind and choppy waters Sunday morning obviously did not deter the dogs. However, the rubber ducks (on loan from the US) appeared at one point, after the prize retrievals, to be making a run for Cornwall. Organizers had to scramble to retrieve them all at the end.

The dogs were all volunteers for the Duck Race and appeared to be thoroughly enjoying the ‘retrievals.’ Gemma was handled by Jonah and Lucas Bennis, Heidi by John Gilmer, Cocoa by Juli Strader and Dublin by Mike Radoman.

Willow, wearing a lovely bikini, and handled by Priscilla Hubbard, pulled out the first prize duck. Ticket holders Linda and Jim Hollister, were actually on hand to see the race and were thrilled to accept the $500 cheque from the Lions. 

Susan Bird took home 2nd place in the Race and $200; Carol Thompson received $100 for third place; Cam Shaver received a $50 gift card from Canadian Tire in fourth; and Dawn Dumoulin claimed the final prize, a $50 gift card from Riley’s Valu-mart.  

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