Working on Saving Street


The partial reconstruction of Saving Street in the Township of South Dundas will soon get underway now that a company has been chosen for the job.

During the July 17 South Dundas council meeting, Hugh Garlough, manager of public works, was granted approval to hire Cornwall Gravel Company Limited at a cost of $307,305 plus HST. 

According to Garlough, the tender for this job was prepared by Eastern Engineering Group and sent out to nine local companies. In addition, the tender was advertised in local newspapers and on the township’s website. 

Of the four companies that responded with bids, Cornwall Gravel came in at the lowest price.

Eastern Engineering’s services were priced at $11,000 plus HST. 

The partial reconstruction of Saving Street will begin at County Road 31 heading west a total of three kilometers to Caughnawaga Road.

“This project is to pulverize and add four to six inches of 5/8 stone and then repave with two inches  to a width of 20 feet,” reported Garlough.

It was also reported that “the road crew is looking after culvert replacement.” Garlough has allotted $30,000 under a separate budget item to cover culvert replacement. He stated that “at this time, I see no reason to require the total amount for this budget item.”

According to Garlough, work on Saving Street is estimated to begin the week of July 30 and conclude the week of August 24.

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