If all goes well, residents of South Dundas will be able to use a new Morrisburg Dock beginning next season, in 2013.
During the July 17th council meeting, South Dundas chief executive officer Stephen McDonald recommended that council go ahead and retain Kehoe Marine of Lansdowne, Ontario to complete construction of the new dock and council agreed.
While the final report from Ottawa-based engineering company J. L. Richards was not ready at the time of the meeting, McDonald did say that, based on the draft report received in June, the entire dock would need to be replaced.
“The dock, as it is now, will not be there again,” said McDonald. “It’s lived a good life of 50 years.”
He suggested that council sole-source the project, hire Kehoe Marine immediately, and “get in the queue.”
He pointed out that Kehoe already has several jobs lined up. If hired immediately, however, then the Morrisburg Dock would get into priority sequence permitting construction to start in September or October, depending on the time required to get the necessary permits.
Deputy-mayor Jim Locke agreed, saying that “timing is of the essence. If we don’t get at it this fall, there will be no dock there next year.”
“We look at this as a priority,” said mayor Steven Byvelds, agreeing that it would be best to have the dock reconstructed before the 2013 boating season begins. He offered apologies to residents for the loss of the dock for the current season.
According to McDonald, the dock will be reconstructed to match existing dimensions.
Thanks to last year’s surplus, it was agreed that financing for the project will come from the working reserve.
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