Local charity shares the wealth


On June 25th, at Timmy’s Place in the Morrisburg Plaza, Friends of Timothy Christian School donated $500 to the Dundas County Food Bank. According to ‘Friends of Timothy’ member Richard Zandbergen, due to the generous support of the community, the local charity is doing quite well and, therefore, decided to share the wealth with another worthwhile charity. Also on hand for the cheque presentation was ‘Friends of Timothy’ member John Knier as well as three representatives from the Dundas County Food Bank’s board of directors. Former board chair, Brenda Millard said that the donation is greatly appreciated, especially at this time of year when donations and stock are usually low. Currently, the food bank is in need of the following items: brown beans, canned vegetables, canned meat, canned fish, Kraft Dinner, spaghetti sauce, and “fresh produce from local gardens is also greatly appreciated,” said food bank administrator Donna Quesnel.

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