‘Feather in our cap’ for South Dundas


“Council should recognize that their fire service has achieved significant progress under the guidance of Chief (Chris) McDonough,” wrote program specialist Chad Brown of the Office of the Fire Marshal in the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Service.

Early in May, South Dundas chief administrative officer Stephen McDonald received Brown’s letter confirming “that there are no outstanding items from the 2009 OFM Review and no further follow-up activities required.”

Brown advised that “as the South Dundas Fire Service continues to mature under a single fire department, continued success should include activities such as implementing a Fire Safety Inspection Program, Fire Response Pre-Planning, obtaining a Tanker Shuttle Accreditation, and finalizing Fire Protection Agreements with neighbouring municipalities.”

In reaction to the letter, councillor Jim Graham said, “this demonstrates that not only did we make the right decision to get a fire chief to look after all three stations, but that we chose the right man.”

“As far as I’m concerned,” he continued, “that’s a real feather in our cap.”

McDonough offered that “it’s really been a group effort. I didn’t do it on my own.”

Mayor Steven Byvelds said, “we do appreciate what he does along with the volunteers and everybody that’s connected with the fire service.”

“There is a list here that he still has to work on,” added Byvelds.

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