Perspectives by Rev. Janet Evans


A few short days ago, we celebrated Easter–one of the most glorious days of the Christian year

The resurrection of Jesus lit a flame in the hearts of men and women which has never been extinguished. It confirms forever the teachings of the man from Nazareth who said: “Because I live, you shall live also. I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”

Easter is a radiance, caught and passed on from believer to believer. It is the credential for that potent power which created the universe and the power by which human beings keep turning the world’s values upside down.

In this Easter season, may we indeed turn the world on its edge with the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

May we seek to do the will of God instead of conforming to the ways of the world. Let us uplift the downtrodden and care for the rejected.

As Christ’s faithful disciples, may we strive not for prestige or social status, but work for justice and mercy in our communities where so many are hungry or ill.

God has promised us resurrection, new life, new beginnings, in Jesus’ resurrection–what will we do as our part of keeping that promise/covenant?

We receive the new life God gives and asks us to share with others. We proclaim “Hallelujah–Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed.”

Jesus gives meaning to our often empty lives, and we can give thanks.

We are the blessed sons and daughters of the Saviour. We are to pass these blessings on to our sisters and brothers everywhere.

And if ever we feel drained and defeated, may we allow ourselves to be used by God.

We will then be renewed and revitalized.

Our interest and ability to create are reawakened.

We rise again!

Rev. Janet Evans, 

Iroquois United Church


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