On the hunt for fun

Fiona Carr, program coordinator for the Ontario Early Years Centre in Iroquois and Morrisburg hosted her second annual Egg Hunt at the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Ingleside on April 5th.

The event was free and open to all young children. 

Carr decided to run the event again this year after a request from a parent in one of her preschool groups. “We did this last year and it was really cute.”

The event took place during school hours to allow easier ‘egg hunting’ for the younger children. While the colourful plastic ‘eggs’ were empty, every child received “a yummy pack of fruit gummies after the fun of searching for ‘eggs’,” said Carr.

 This year’s Egg Hunt provided entertainment for 24 children as opposed to last year’s 40. Carr felt that the cold weather may have frightened a few families away this year, thus explaining the drop in the number of participants. 

The 13 families in attendance  for this year’s preschooler Egg Hunt came from all over Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.

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