More docks and slips purchased for marina

 South Dundas treasurer Shannon Geraghty made two requests on behalf of the Galop Canal – Iroquois Landing Marina committee at the April 3rd council meeting in Williamsburg.

“The committee is looking for council’s approval to accept Rideau Docks and to increase the amount of loan to cover the difference,” he said.

“Last year the committee was looking at adding an additional 14 slips,” Geraghty reminded, “and council approved a loan of $33,000 contingent on them showing a payment schedule and RFP (request for proposal.)”

“We received about 15 submissions and provided the committee with a breakdown.”

Mayor Steven Byvelds expressed concern that Rideau Docks was not the lowest bid.

Chief administrative officer Stephen McDonald explained the use of a points system and suggested that there were “certainly points to be sufficient to accept something other than the lowest bid.”

The Marina committee report outlined the following factors as part of their overall decision:

• “The existing docks were supplied and installed by Rideau Docks four years ago and they have proven to be of good quality and durable.

• Rideau Docks is quick to respond to our calls and have proven to provide quality service and maintenance.

• The difference between the lowest tender and the Rideau Docks bid is approximately four per cent.

• Rideau Docks is located locally in Westport while Maylen Construction is located in Hawksbury.”

As per their report, the Marina committee requested that council approve an increase of $8,711.36 to their current approved loan amount, which they plan to use to “purchase the supply and installation of four more docks and four new slips.” 

Byvelds asked if “there’s enough potential profit to pay the loan” to which deputy-mayor Jim Locke offered the following: “There are 13 seasonal boaters. She has eight potential clients. She’s planning to do more advertising and updating the website.”

“It’s a great facility and I really do feel it’s an asset to the community,” said Locke. “The demand is there. I support it.”

Councillor Jim Graham added his support saying, “they are doing a good job.”

Support also came from both councillor Archie Mellan and councillor Evonne Delegarde.

With overall consensus from council, the requests were accepted and the Marina Committee is able to purchase 16 docks and 14 new slips from Rideau Docks for $41,700. 

According to committee treasurer Ron Cowalchuk’s written request, “the increased revenue from the slips will allow the marina to begin to pay down the loan in 2014 with a projected complete repayment of the entire loan including interest by 2024.”

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