Landfill life in South Dundas


South Dundas manager of public works Hugh Garlough submitted the department’s monthly activity summary for the March 20th South Dundas council meeting.

In the summary, he reported that “Robinson Consultants have been asked to give us a life expectancy for both landfills.” 

The current South Dundas landfill sites are the Church Road Landfill and the Matilda Landfill.

During the March 5th budget meeting, Garlough introduced the landfill life expectancy into the discussion. It was suggested that a new garbage policy may be necessary depending upon the “life” left in each of the landfills.

On March 27th, Garlough reported that Robinson Consultants Inc. are currently “completing the 2011 year-end report. In that report, we will get a projected life expectancy for each of the two landfills.”

“The residents will be affected as we will have to transport our household and any other garbage to an approved landfill site, as well as a tipping fee.”

“The planning will begin when we know for sure what our life expectancy numbers are,” continued Garlough. “Options we have already considered are having our household garbage contractor dispose of the garbage as part of the contract.”

“More options will be considered as we get closer to the end of landfill site life,” he added.

Chief administrative officer Stephen McDonald reported that another possible solution to a short landfill life expectancy is a “100,000 cubic meter expansion in Matilda.”

He said, “we don’t have any other sites once those are filled to capacity.” In that case, McDonald pointed out that the township would have to look outside South Dundas for disposal options.

Once the Robinson report is in, McDonald said the township will have “a better handle on where we need to go in terms of restrictions.” Until then the garbage policy remains the same.

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