All quotes accepted


At the March 20th South Dundas council meeting, Hugh Garlough, manager of public works, presented council with a list of quotations for outsourcing, including equipment rental and various repair jobs for 2012 and 2013. 

Garlough recommended that council “accept all quotations submitted and that the public works and recreation departments use the low bids. Low bids will be used unless the contractor cannot supply the equipment on the required date. Then, we will select the next low bid to hire the required equipment.”

“We put a quotation system out in the three papers and on the website,” he continued, “this year we had 19 people respond and this is a two-year term.” 

Deputy-mayor Jim Locke commented, “there are lots of people looking for work. Prices aren’t inflated from  last year.”

Councillor Jim Graham agreed, saying, “it’s nice to see lots of people bidding on it.”

Council accepted Garlough’s recommendation.

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