Garage fire on Brinston Road


South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services was called out early Friday morning, February 24th to a garage fire on Brinston Road.

According to a report from Fire Chief Chris McDonough on February 27th, “fire crews from Iroquois and Morrisburg responded. Upon arrival the garage was fully involved with exposures to the house. A vehicle was also fully involved at the rear of the house.”

“The owner’s pet was rescued from the kennel which was attached to the garage and suffered minor burns to its nose and paws.”

“We saved the house,” he  added, “only minor damage” to the house. 

“Damage,” in total, however, “is estimated at approximately $100,000 including contents.”

He added that “the fire was deemed suspicious by the Fire Chief and the Fire Marshal’s Office (OFM) was requested to attend.”  

“The OFM will complete their investigation and if deemed criminal the OPP will investigate,” he explained.

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