Delays in tax revenue


At the January 17th South Dundas council meeting, council members unanimously agreed to support the city of Waterloo in a resolution intent on making the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) accountable for assessment delays, which result in lost tax revenue.

The decision came in response to a letter sent by the city of Waterloo to municipalities throughout Ontario requesting that they “endorse the City of Waterloo’s resolution and forward their endorsement to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.”

The resolution itself requests action from the provincial government and from MPAC to improve services.

The letter stated that “the city of Waterloo has experienced a loss in tax revenue because MPAC appeared not to have sufficient resources at the local level to systematically ensure all assessments are retroactively applied for the current and two prior taxation years in a timely manner. In this one instance, the city of Waterloo lost approximately $20,000 in tax revenue.”

South Dundas treasurer Shannon Geraghty responded to the letter, saying “I think we experience the same frustration they do.”

“Having these assessments in a timely manner would be better for the township,” he added.

Council agreed that MPAC is not working quickly or efficiently. “They seem to be running on their own time,” said Councillor Archie Mellan.

Mayor Steven Byvelds wrapped up the discussion, saying, “I support the resolution too. They (MPAC) need a little reassurance that they are not doing their job.” 

“Invoices like this get way behind,” he continued, adding, “I do find it ironic since MPAC is paid out of our taxes.”

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