Heritage signs for South Dundas


“The services of the militia of Dundas County and sister counties deserve an honoured place in history, and in no better way can we cherish the memory of  those fellows than by paying tribute to the spot on which they fought and bled for their country,” wrote J. Smyth Carter in 1905.

Bill Shearing referenced this quote during his proposal to South Dundas council on December 20th where he recommended that council erect four signs along County Road 2 recognizing specific historical events connected to the War of 1812. 

“Our township has much forgotten history,” he said, “especially with the War of 1812.”

While council agreed with Shearing’s reasoning and historical documentation, they decided that Shearing needed to do more research into possible funding for the  signs as well as options for sign construction and design.

Councillor Evonne Delegarde was very supportive. “I think that would be nice to have,” she said, reminding council that “it’s going to be a great year for tourism.”

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