Every year the gingerbread houses entered into the contest held during Upper Canada Village’s Alight at Night Festival seem more creative, more spectacular. This year, 2011, was no exception.
Winner of the grand prize of $1,500, announced on Saturday, December 3, was Catherine Beddall of Ottawa.
The gingerbread house competition, now in its third year, attracted 35 entries this year from around the region. Over $4,000 in prize money was available in various categories through event sponsor, Genivar of Ottawa. Entries were judged in professional and amateur divisions by Diana Fredrick and three students from Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute.
Upper Canada’s Alight at Night draws some 40,000 visitors a year. By carriage, wagon or on foot, people can take in sound and light spectaculars, enjoy delicious food and unique shopping opportunities, ride the Toy Train and admire the fantastic lights festooning the many historic Village buildings.
The gingerbread houses will remain on display at Crysler Hall. Winners in the adult, teen/youth and culinary arts category, as well as all the other entries, will be available for viewing until January 7, 2012.
“We really appreciate the countless hours of work and patience that all of the competitors put into these works of art,” said Jancis Sommerville, St. Lawrence Parks Commission Special Events Officer.
“We try to change things each year and this year we opened up the Culinary Arts Category to cooking school teachers and students. The Gingerbread competition has been a great addition to Alight at Night, and I want to thank everyone who took part.”
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