Curling Chatter


The ladies took over the Morrisburg Curling Club last Tuesday for the annual Women’s Invitational Bonspiel. The early draw saw the Russell squad, led by Sharon Courneyea, victorious, with Candy Alexander’s Prescott foursome second. In the late draw Alexandria, skipped by Andrea Lauzon, took both of their games, to win out by a single point over a Morrisburg team, who filled in on short notice. Greta McGann, Betty Locke, Sonja and  Rosemary Laurin, played well and won both matches, against Lancaster and Cornwall. 

The winners will have their names inscribed on the champions’ plaque.

Organizer Alice Thompson thanked the many volunteers who helped make the day a success, as well as the ladies who provided a delicious lunch. 

The club and the bonspiel earned appreciative words from the curlers, who hope to be invited to next year’s bonspiel. Special thanks to Wally Baker, who made sure the ice was at its best for the visitors.

Sid Morrell, Raymond Benoit, Jack Barkley and Bill Magee were in Metcalfe for a senior men’s bonspiel. They lost their first match to a very strong team from Rideau, but won their second against a Metcalfe foursome.

A senior mixed team travelled to Carleton Place for a 2-2-2 bonspiel on Thursday. Jack Barkley, Ruth Kelly, Fred “Boomer” Langlotz and Sharon Van Allen had a good day. They defeated Smiths Falls in the morning, but lost a tight match in the afternoon to Arnprior, who finished second overall, just behind the champs from Renfrew. In spite of the long drive, they enjoyed the outing, and finished third overall in the bonspiel.

Friday saw three Cornwall teams were in town, to pay a return visit to the senior men at our club.

 Our first squad consisted of Neil Williams, Raymond Benoit, Wayne Pulford and Jim Millard/Bud Perry. The second was Don O’Brien, Martin Schneckenburger, Eric Johnson and Ken Wilson.  Third were Sid Morrell, Peter Zeran, Earl Jeacle and Al Gowanlock. 

Halfway though the match the local fellows moved one sheet to the right to take on a fresh challenge from a new Cornwall foursome. Meanwhile, the kitchen and the lounge were humming with activity as a fine luncheon was being prepared. 

When the dust settled, the local fellows were victorious on sheets B and C, while the visitors prevailed on sheet A. Another busy day for the club.

    Saturday, Mahlon Locke and his committee ran our friendly bonspiel, while Greta McGann and her committee prepared a fine lunch. Ten teams took part, playing two games each. While the matches were friendly, the competition was keen. 

Sid Morrell, Betty Locke and Len Bellamy won the day with 18.5 points, while Wally McDonald, Raymond Benoit and Greta McGann finished second with 18 and Susan McIntosh, Carolyn Beckstead and Claire and Paula Locke finished third, a point behind. 

Representatives from most of the leagues competed, and $500 was raised towards a new carpet. Thanks, Mahlon, Greta, and all of the others who made this happen.

It’s the season for parties, with the Thursday morning folks having a catered lunch from Subway again. Still a few openings there. Many of the other leagues are also arranging for various wind-up events before Christmas. Curling really wears on you, doesn’t it? 

Arrangements are being made for a New Year’s Eve bonspiel and party. There’s a sign-up sheet at the club. Should be fun! Good curling to all.


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