The week in curling


Gretta McGann entered a team in the women’s Navy bonspiel in Ottawa last week. With her were Alice Thompson, Yvonne Mabo and Claire Locke. They dropped their first match to a foursome from the Ottawa R.A. Centre, and after a fine lunch, tackled a Perth quartet. It was a good game, and our folks emerged victorious.

Their scores put them in third place on the day, and some prizes were available. The two teams ahead of them were tied, and, unable to break the tie, the organizers split the first and second place money for them. 

The skip of one of the teams had fallen in the first end of their initial match, and was unable to continue. When the three curlers finished the end, they decided to forfeit their match, but the organizers found them a replacement. Good thing they kept playing!

One of our senior teams is in Metcalfe this week for that club’s invitational bonspiel. We’ll have the results next time. Also our men host three Cornwall senior teams in a return friendly match this Friday, and we’ll have those results for you

Alice Thompson and her committee are hosting a women’s invitational bonspiel this week. Same story concerning reporting there. 

Teams from Navan, Prescott, Maxville, City View, Russell, two from Cornwall, Lancaster, Kemptville, Alexandria, and Ottawa’s R.A. Centre are here. One club had trouble getting a team together, so our Gretta McGann volunteered to fill in with three other local ladies. 

As always, the organizers have an all-volunteer group to staff the kitchen, the bar, and prepare the ice. And to maximize profits for our club on the day, all of the food has been prepared and donated by the local women.

At time of writing, there are still a few openings for the club bonspiel this Saturday. It’s a fund raiser to support getting a new carpet for the club. Looks like a nice event, with a great lunch provided. If there’s still room on Wednesday, why not sign up for what promises to be a very pleasant day.

The notices for renewal of club supporters’ signs are in the mail, and we hope all will continue their club sponsorship. We value your assistance and will continue to support your businesses.

Coming up later this month are the friendly bonspiel for Saturday, December 17, and the two-day OCA competition for senior curlers, Friday and Saturday, December 23 and 24. Hope we have some local teams entered!

John Toonders, of Morrisburg, may be reached at 613-543-3362 for those wishing to rent the club for a family or staff party. Weekends are filling up, and those interested should contact him soon, as dates for the rest of the season are being snapped up.

Ian Wilson and family members are looking after the Little Rocks program again this year. The 16 curlers practice on Monday nights, and will be competing in bonspiels in the new year. They are also hosting teams from Metcalfe, Russell and Winchester in their Big Four tournament

For those aspiring to greater things on the ice, last weekend could have been an inspiration, as TSN covered the semi-finals and finals for the men’s and women’s Canada Cup. Jennifer Jones won the title for the ladies, defeating Chelsea Carey, and Kevin Martin edged Glenn Howard on the men’s side. Besides the money and the prestige, the winners guaranteed themselves a place in the “curling sweepstakes” leading to qualifying for the Olympics. 

That’s it for now. Good curling


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