Legion members celebrate milestones


 Several local residents celebrated some significant membership milestones this past weekend.

Legion Branch 48 held their annual awards night dinner on Friday, November 4th in Morrisburg.

The evening got underway with a delicious meal prepared and served by the Ladies Auxiliary.

Speeches and awards presentations followed immediately on the heals of dessert.

Ladies Auxiliary Zone Commander Rose Phillips began saying, “we’re all proud of you and the work you do on behalf of our veterans.”

South Dundas Mayor Steven Byvelds said, “on behalf of the township, thank you for all the work you do. Thank you for all your efforts and congratulations to all the winners tonight.”

After a brief “Poppy Push” from Legion President Maurice Praine, awards were given to women of the Ladies Auxiliary. Member Michelle Brooks took the podium to announce the awards while President Rita Fowler handed over pins and medals.

Ladies Auxiliary – 10 Years

Receiving 10-year pins were Elaine Baker, Brenda Fyke, Florence Merkley, Diane Trudeau, and Loretta Kennedy.

Ladies Auxiliary – 25 Years

Kim Murphy was the lone recipient of the 25-year pin.

Ladies Auxiliary – 35 Years

 Donna Dowson was the sole recipient in the 35-year pin category.

Ladies Auxiliary – 50 Years

The sole 50-year pin went to Ruth Rice.

Ladies Auxiliary-Life Member

Inez Bilmer received her Life Membership pin while a congratulatory card from Barbara McIsaac was read aloud.

2011 Branch Service Pins

Following the LA presentations, Praine retook the podium to single out the “Years of Service.”

5 Years of Service

Recipients included: John Hitsman. Marcel Hubert, Mary Ellen Merkley, Donald Nesbitt, Geoffrey Peters, Susan Peters, Maurice Praine,  and Kevin Spencer.

10 Years of Service

David Baldwin, Philip Jamieson,  and Lewis Tomlinson earned their “10 Year” pins.

15 Years of Service

Recipients included Lawrence Belmore, Eleanore Belmore, Jeff Cassell, Melanie Cassell, Arlene Darrach, Robert Darrach, Lori-Anne Davies, Nancy Davies, Michele Dumaresq-Watt, Jeffery Lowe, and Elwin Woolsey. 

20 Years of Service

James Caldwell, Kevin Keyes and Michael Robertson achieved twenty years of service.

25 Years of Service

“25 Years of Service” pins were given to Gord Dillabough, Mark MacDonald, Anna Nicolier, and Sydney Smith.

30 Years of Service

Recipients included John Falardeau, Jane Gale, E. Hamilton, Brian Howald, Glen Howald, Mary Meher, and Gwen Phelan.

35 Years of Service

Recipients included Larry Jardine, Cecile Millar, Anne Carruthers, and Bob Henophy.

50 Years of Service

George Dowson was the lone recipient in this category.

55 Years of Service

Sydney George was the sole recipient. Unable to attend, Ray Boucher accepted on his behalf saying George and his wife “hope to make it for the 60th.”

65 Years of Service

Charlie Eamon was on hand to receive his pin for 65 years of service. Keeping it short, he said, “I’ve really enjoyed my 65 years being here. It’s been a long time and it’s been worth it. Thank you very much.”

Life Members

Barry Holmes, from Branch 108 in Winchester, introduced the two life member award recipients, Beverly Beck and Tom Beck. 

The Becks were former members of the Winchester branch before transferring to Morrisburg, where they now live. 

Before their transfer, Branch 108 had been planning to bestow the honour on the couple, but were unable to make it happen in time. 

Branch 48 worked in conjunction with Branch 108 to make the awards for the couple a reality with the former making the recommendation and the latter offering the financial backing. 

The award is given to those who have put in a substantial amount of volunteer service, both inside and outside the Legion, over a significant number of years. 

Holmes was accompanied by 11 other Winchester members.

Service Bar Medals

Branch Service Medals and Ladies Auxiliary Service Medals were introduced in 2010 “to recognize the significant volunteer and service work accomplished by members.” 

This year the recipients included Steven Coligan, Donna Dillabough, Rita Fowler, Elsie Guindon, Anna Nicolier, and Bill Shearing.

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