Hosaic Creek un-‘dam’med


What is the best solution when beaver dams begin to negatively impact the lives of those around them?

Looking back to the October 17th South Dundas Public Meeting, it was requested by local farmers that council give an update as to the status of Hosaic Creek’s beaver overpopulation and the resulting drainage issue for surrounding agricultural interests.

Coincidentally, at the October 18th council meeting, Don Lewis, Manager of Planning and Enforcement for South Dundas, came forward with an update on that very subject.

He reported: “I have gone in and removed quite a few dams.”

He went on to say that doing so “depleted our capital budget for that plan (and he) would like to put more in the budget for 2012, to stay on top of it.” 

Several council members inquired as to the existence of an alternative solution to the drainage issue, specifically the installation of a municipal drain.

Lewis reported that there are many issues with that solution, the most daunting being cost. He reminded council about the South Branch municipal drain, which was constructed in 1992-93 to a cost of about $7 million.

Deputy Mayor Jim Locke pointed out that it “takes a group of land owners to be serious about it.” 

Councillor Archie Mellan asked Lewis if there is “any funding options out there.”

Lewis responded saying that there were possibly some grants and that the South Branch project did, in fact, receive some grant money.

Lewis will be revisiting this issue, giving a more detailed report to council in the near future.

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