Riverside Heights WI has great start to new year

Seven members of the Riverside Heights Women’s Institute met on October 4, 2011, at the George Jowett Hall at 1 p.m.

The recent yard sale on Saturday was a success despite a cold and windy morning.

Lucie Durivage reported on the District’s one day bus trip to the Mackenzie King estate. Florence McManus mentioned that the bus is filled. It promises to be a nice day, ending with a stop at the Rideau-Carleton Casino. 

A thank you was received from  Winchester Memorial Hospital for a donation received from our branch.

Florence then showed us some of the jewelry pieces she made from dried potato pieces. 

The list for the shut-ins was revised. Pauline Battershill  will get the Christmas materials ready for members to deliver in December. 

Food items were collected from the members to be donated to our food bank. A light lunch was served by the hostess, Giselle Lavictoire.

Next meeting will be November 1, 2011, at 1 p.m. 

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