Parlow road now open

The October 4th South Dundas council meeting brought news about two roads in the township. 

Parlow Road from County Road 4 to County Road 2 is open to the public as of October 5.

Manager of Public Works, Hugh Garlough proposed to council that the road be designated “an open, Public Highway, maintained year round.”

According to Garlough, the road work for Parlow Road was completed by Willis Kerr Contracting on September 20, 2011.

He put before council a by-law “to insure that the benefitting properties contribute in a like manner to the construction cost of this road extension.” The by-law was approved.

Now that Parlow Road is officially open, Deputy Mayor Jim Locke revealed that he is “glad this controversial matter is finished.”

Councillor Archie Mellan agreed, adding that he’s “glad to see it’s going to be fair.”

In other road news, the Doran Creek Subdivision road’s name is now officially Doran Creek Drive.

The proposal for the name approval came through Garlough who received the request from Henry Swank of Swank Construction.

According to Garlough, “no other township road name is associated with this naming request.” Council unanimously approved the request.

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