The general meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Fraser Hall. Please put this on your to-do list for this week. There are some very important decisions to be made.
Keith Johnston will entertain in the pub on Friday, October 14, making a good ending to T.G.I.F. day.
Sunday euchre will begin on October 16 at 1 p.m. Bingo on October 6 saw our regulars once again with players in the 70s.
Our meat draw on the 9th was for a fresh turkey and was won by our own Lee Kelley.
Memberships for 2012 are available at the bar. The early-bird draw will take place up to November 30, with prizes of $35, $20 and $15, possibly the price of your membership.
On October 3, D. Dillabough, M. Praine and G. Houze attended a seminar at the Rideau-Perley Veterans’ Home in Ottawa. Branch #48 has supported them with donations for several years. We were presented with a wish list for the veterans who reside there, and we are considering several items. This will come before the general meeting on Wednesday night.
Six bursaries have been awarded this year, each for $500, to students furthering their education. The Poppy Campaign will be starting shortly and as usual, at this busy time, help is always needed. Please leave your name at the bar if you can spare a few hours.
Many thank yous were read, among them ones from the SD&G Highlanders, the Children’s Treatment Centre, Scott Robertson for the Terry Fox committee, the Old Home Week committee and the Cornwall Hospice. Yes, this is where the money goes, as well as for repairs to this great building that we are so fortunate to have. Others before us worked hard to accomplish this and we have to work hard to keep it in good repair.
On the fun side, a pub crawl is being planned for October 22 and there will be a sign up sheet in the pub.
Our next steak night is on the 28th with John Mason providing the entertainment, so yes, we do have fun too.
Live well, love much, laugh often.
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