Bill C-292: putting victim rights over criminal rights

On September 28th, Guy Lauzon, Member of Parliament for Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry, tabled a private member’s bill, Bill C-292, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (victims’ restitution and monetary awards for offenders).

“Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to introduce an amendment to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act. This amendment will ensure that any monetary amount awarded to an offender pursuant to a legal action or proceeding be paid to victims and other designated beneficiaries,” said Lauzon in the House of Commons on September 28, 2011.

“This amendment ensures victims of crimes come first and criminals do not profit from their crimes. Just another example, Mr. Speaker, of this Government putting the rights of victims ahead of the rights of criminals.”

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