Sewer study in the works for Morrisburg & Williamsburg

At the September 6th South Dundas council meeting, Chief Administrative Officer Stephen McDonald recommended that council agree to a study of both Morrisburg and Williamsburg sewer systems.

The proposal for the Infiltration and Inflow Study came from AECOM Canada Ltd. who is currently reviewing the sanitary sewer collection system in Iroquois.

McDonald told council that AECOM’s “study will result in the preparation of a Master Plan with prioritized recommendations and cost estimates for improvements to the collection system.”

Mayor Steven Byvelds said that government grant money has “given us incentive to get this thing done.”

The money referred to is the $3,248,002 from the Ontario Building Together program.

With all in agreement, the plan, according to Byvelds, is to make a “plan, propose to the people, and go.”

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