Paving talk for the Morrisburg Plaza

There was considerable discussion on whether to pave more of the Morrisburg Plaza than originally planned for at the September 6th South Dundas council meeting.

Hugh Garlough, Manager of Public Works, told council that several projects had “come in considerably under budget” and he recommended increasing the amount of road to be paved to “cover more area” or to “do it all.”After much discussion, it was decided that Garlough should come up with numbers on how much money has been saved compared to how much it would cost to pave more area.

It was also suggested by Garlough that the current contract with Eastern Engineering should allow for an increase in the area to be done at the same quoted price.

Mayor Steven Byvelds made it clear that if Eastern Engineering decline to cover more area for the same price quote, “then we go back to tender. I want to be fair.”

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