The Skater’s Edge

It probably feels like it was just yesterday when we were all dressed up in  costumes and had a blast at the Morrisburg and District Figure Skating Club carnival! Now, club members are sharpening their skates and getting ready for another awesome season of skating!

Skaters will head down to the Morrisburg Arena on either Friday, September 9th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. or, Saturday, September 11 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.  New skaters are always welcome and members are encouraged to tell friends and family!

Thanks to the Morrisburg Chiropractic, all Stage 1 Skaters will receive a discount on their skating fee!  So for anyone who has been thinking about skating, now is a great time to sign up!

When skaters arrive at the rink on September 19th, skating may be a little different from what they remember.  For example, Skate Canada now requires that ALL Canskaters stage 5 and under MUST wear a CSA approved hockey helmet.  So skaters who are packing up those skates and mitts are reminded to grab helmets too!  Also, the canskate program has changed.  Everyone stage 2 or over, six years of age gets to skate for 50 minutes–more ice time what could be better than that!  They will also get to enjoy many, more exciting activities on the ice this year! All Starskaters, will start their season Monday, September 12. Finally, remember:

Skate great and have  fun–Kate


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