Golf for WDMH

Over 300 area residents have chosen to support Winchester District Memorial Hospital by attending a What’s Your Story golf tournament in the past two months.
“The program has truly taken off,” says WDMH Foundation Board Chair, Diane Crummy. “We’re so inspired by the level of dedication and commitment that the hospital’s catchment area has already shown in regards to the What’s Your Story fund raising program.”

What’s Your Story is a program that encourages those with a passion for WDMH to share that passion by organizing a fund raising event. Since its inception, 12 area residents have planned and executed a community fund raiser.

With the beautiful weather, golf tournaments have been one of the more popular What’s Your Story event options!

On July 8, Cloverdale Links hosted a tournament, and raised over $2,000! Shortly thereafter, Cedar Glen played host to the Trevor Barkley Memorial Tournament, and the Russell House Pub Charity Golf Tournament.  The Trevor Barkley Memorial Golf Tournament has been taking place since 2000, and has raised more than $68,000 in that time.

Both Denis Casselman and Gib Patterson have continued to be supportive of these community fund raising golf tournaments, and their support is much appreciated.

Most recently, Lucky 7 Bar & Grill in Embrun organized their 12th annual charity golf tournament at Casselview Golf & Country Club.  The proceeds have been designated to the WDMH Foundation for the past several years, raising over $9,000.

There are also two upcoming golf tournaments to benefit the WDMH Foundation, including one on September 10 at Cedar Glen Golf Course, and another on September 24 at Cloverdale Links Golf Course.

To inquire about attending either of these events, or for more information on organizing a communityfundraising event, please contact the Foundation Office at 613-774-2420 x.6164.

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