M&M family dinner

On Thursday, September 15, 2011, M&M Meat Shops is encouraging Canadians to turn off the TV, log off from their computers and power down cell phones and participate in the 7th Annual National Family Dinner Night that celebrates what matters most – spending quality time with family and friends. The importance of family dinners reaches far beyond simply sharing a meal together. Research shows that gathering around the table presents a valuable opportunity to interact, strengthen relationships and affirm the value of every individual in the family and their role in their community.

A recent national study conducted by Canadian Omnibus reveals that as we become increasingly immersed in the digital age, the intrusion of electronic communication devices during traditional times, such as family meals, is spiralling. A shocking 80 per cent of Canadians admit to having at least one type of electronic communication device turned on and in use during family meals. More than half of Canadians (51 per cent) revealed that the TV stays on at mealtimes.

"Sitting down for a meal together can have a lasting, positive effect on open communication between children and parents and re-establish a sense of family unity," says Mac Voisin, Founder of M&M Meat Shops.

National Family Dinner Night, launched in 2004, attracts tremendous public and charitable support every year and has contributed significantly to the more than $21.5 million M&M Meat Shops has raised for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC). This year, M&M Meat Shops urges everyone in Canada to register their participation.

For everyone who registers their pledge to participate in National Family Dinner Night on the website: www.nationalfamilydinnernight.com, M&M Meat Shops will make a $1 donation to the CCFC, up to a maximum of $100,000.

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