The countdown is on and we are just days away from the return to the classroom…what is that Staples commercial…it's the most wonderful time of the year….They Are Going Back. A reminder to all drivers…the kids will be back on the village streets and the buses will be running.
Speaking of going back, those wonderfully talented crooners who are members of the Seaway Valley Singers will be kicking off their new season, next Wednesday, September 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Christian Reformed Church in Williamsburg. Anyone interested in joining the Singers is invited to call Robin at 613-543-3412 for more information.
Well we kind of lucked out on Sunday. Although we did get some rain from Hurricane Irene, it was mainly just a nice steady rain with little wind…and all of our plants, yards and wells benefitted. The Phlox have gone into a second flowering, and we are harvesting every day, from our back-deck, single potted cherry tomato plant. Our Black-eyed Susans (rudbeckia) are putting on quite a show, even if the nearby neighbouring Hostas are looking a little worse for wear thanks to the nightly-visiting slugs.
As we head into the long weekend, we caution everyone to drive carefully. In addition to those last summer get aways this is generally a well-travelled weekend as our youth head off to colleges and universities. It is a time of discovery as parents, who for the first time are sending their kiddies off into the wild blue yonder, discover that yes, you can fit everything, even the kitchen sink, into the SUV. It is the time when the kids discover how much mom and dad did for them as they embark on a solid diet of Mr. Noodles and never again wear jeans that have been ironed to remove the knee bumps…Oh well, such is life.
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