Viva Las Tubies – Seven craft race finishes 49th annual Tubie Weekend

‘The Floaters’, Team Lee, and Team Barclay, pass the Morrisburg Waterfront, on their way to the finish line at the Morrisburg Beach. (The Leader/Blancher photo)

Seven homemade watercraft launched from Arlor Haven Campground August 4th in the 49th annual Tubie race. For the first time in three years, a new team with some familiar faces won the race.

‘The Floaters’, comprised of Melanie Saunders, Cole Beckstead, Marc Beckstead, Quinn Bennis, Abby Jordan, Lucas Bennis, Erika Jordan, Jonah Bennis, Jayme Henry, and Marcy Smith, finished the race in 26 minutes, 12 seconds, and took first place.

Just over a minute behind was three-in-a-row champions ‘Team Lee’. Team Barclay (Jeff and Laura) finished third, Team Cochrane fourth, Team Broad fifth, Toy Storage sixth, and Team St. Louis seventh. Sage Barclay’s team was unable to run the race due to a tube malfunction. Eight teams in total were entered in the race.

Prior to the race, the colourful Tubie Parade toured Morrisburg on August 3rd, drawing in the crowds along the parade route.

Tubie Parade photos by W. Gibb, Tubie Race photos by P. Blancher.

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