Messy weather forecast for Sunday

SOUTH DUNDAS – Is it winter’s last gasp? Probably not. Environment Canada has issued a series of weather warnings for the next 24 hours including freezing rain, snow, and high winds.

The agency has forecast freezing rain or drizzle for Sunday morning, changing to rain around noon.

As an Arctic cold mass descends into the region this afternoon, temperatures will drop, with the rain turning to snow flurries late this afternoon and through the evening. Accompanying the snow will be strong westerly winds.

Environment Canada says the winds are expected to gust between 60 and 90 kph, causing poor visibility with the new snow fall.

The winds are forecast to diminish by Monday morning.

Temperatures are expected to remain in the seasonal range all week, ranging from a daytime high of minus-4 C to a nighttime low of minus-18 C.

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