CDSBEO plans closures

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) voted at their October 4th meeting to begin a Pupil Accomodation Review of schools in the board.

The review affects nine schools in Cornwall including St. Joseph`s Catholic Secondary School.

Under the proposed plan, St. Columban`s, Immaculate Conception and Sacred Heart elementary schools would close, with students transferred to remaining elementary schools in Cornwall.

Grade 7-8 students in all Catholic elementary schools in Cornwall would move to St. Joe`s which would be converted to a dual-track Grade 7-12 school. St. Joe`s is the only catholic secondary school in the CDSBEO that is not dual-tracked.

The planned changes to St. Joe’s include rebuilding the school or relocating to a new building with approval of provincial funding.

The building housing St. Joe’s was built in 1966 making it one of the oldest and most expensive schools to operate in the CDSBEO.

Not affected in the board`s 166-page report is St. Mary-St. Cecilia Catholic School in Morrisburg or Our Lady of Good Counsel in Ingleside. Both K-8 grade schools are feeder elementary schools to St. Joe’s in Cornwall. The Grade 7-8 classes will not be affected.

“No, they will not be relocated,” said CDSBEO director of education William. J. Gartland in a statement to The Leader. The relocation of Grade 7-8 to the secondary school will not affect enrolment rules for non-catholic students.

“These students will adhere to the same process we have for all non-Catholic students from JK to Grade 8,” said Gartland.

“The process includes the submission of a form for non-Catholic student admission, and the students are admitted based on space availability.”

The PAR process will take place over the next six months with public consultation starting in November.

The school board’s vote on a final plan will take place May 2, 2017 with changes taking effect in 2018.

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