Nine Mile Wind Project reports to South Dundas council

A second wind development company courting municipal support for a project proposal was presented their project to South Dundas council at the May 19th meeting.

On the agenda were James Murphy and Ryan Ralph of Invenergy, North America’s sixth largest renewable energy generation company.

 Murphy is the vice president of business development and Ralph is the senior manager of business development for the company headquartered in Toronto. Invenergy Canada is based in Toronto.

The purpose of their presentation is to update council on the Nine Mile Wind Project being developed in the municipalities of South Dundas and North Dundas.

Option agreements have been secured with 30 landowners for the Nine Mile Wind Project.

This is the second wind energy company to make a presentation to South Dundas council. Municipal support is an important criteria in the new competitive energy procurement process, although project decisions are made by the province.

At present, the previous South Dundas council deemed this municipality, ‘not a willing host’. However, this newly elected council has decided that they are open to seeing what these projects are proposing before taking a stance on future wind generation projects.

South Dundas’ current position states that proposals will not be considered unless there is a demonstrated need for energy.

Both companies presenting to South Dundas council are contending that there is a need for increased wind power generation.

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