Iroquois Fire Fighters Breakfast


 “Based on today’s experiences, I would say that this is probably going to become an annual event,” said Iroquois fire fighter, and one of the organizers of the first ever Fire Fighters’ Breakfast, Shawn Markell. “ We had nearly 200 people come out to enjoy the pancakes and sausages. People came steadily from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.”

The breakfast, held at the Iroquois Civic Centre on Sunday, February 15, was cooked and served up by members of the Iroquois fire station. There was no admission cost: visitors were just asked to make a donation when they came in. The funds raised will go to the Firefighters Association for the South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services, and will be used for projects in the community throughout the year such as kids events and safety awareness events. 

The maple syrup was donated from Fowler’s, while Iroquois Foodland donated the food for the event.

“My goal and Mike’s (Eastman) goal was to see that everyone was able to have breakfast as part of our community. We wanted community families to have a chance to get together and enjoy a good meal. A dozen fire fighters and their wives and kids were all working on putting this meal together, and I feel the response to our first breakfast has been great,” said Shawn Markell. 

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