Piglets for Hope, up for adoption, Saturday, February 7

A litter of bright pink, and absolutely adorable piglets, all looking for foster homes will be dropping by Valu-Mart in Morrisburg this Saturday, February 7 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

This year’s brood is all ready and eager to go to their month-long foster home in support of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Wheels of Hope program that provides transportation for are folks needing to travel for cancer-specific medical appointments and treatment.

The little piggies will be travelling with their good friend Jennifer Hindorff, who will be on hand to handle the adoption procedures, and who, as a Wheels of Hope volunteer driver is available to answer any questions about the Piggy Bank fundraiser as well as the Wheels of Hope Program.

“The Wheels of Hope service is especially vital in communities such as ours, as many clients travel outside of our area for treatments,” says Carolyn Bourassa, Community Manager for the SDG Prescott & Russell Canadian Cancer Society office. “Some people would literally not be able to make it to treatment without this crucial program.”

Volunteer drivers are on the road everyday to ensure that people get to their treatments in Montreal, Ottawa and Kingston. While some cancer treatments are handled at Winchester District Memorial Hospital, many cancer patients in the immediate area have to travel to Ottawa.

The local transportation program filled 5,800 requests and drove 333,650 km to take more than 426 clients to their cancer related appointment in 2013. Locally, the direct cost of the transportation program in 2014, was $121,000.

The average cost to take one patient to one round trip appointment/treatment is $75.

The Piglets of Hope fundraiser first ran locally last year and was a huge success. Organizers are hoping to top their success this time around. 

Last February, 25 pink Piglets of Hope (banks) were adopted for the month of February at Valu-mart, taken home, taken to retail locations and taken to people’s workplaces, where for one month everyone chipped in their change to fill the little pink guys and gals.

At the end of the month they were returned with what had been collected.

Each little piggy is hoping for $75 worth of donations which is the average cost of one trip, and each foster family/group has one month to make donations to their piggy banks.

Piglets of Hope will be available for adoption at Valu-Mart this Saturday, February 7 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

The Wheels of Hope directly assists local folks to get to their cancer treatments. Those in need of the service pay a one-time $100 registration fee.

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