Snow removal costs for new subdivision


When is a township responsible for snow removal on township roads?

This question created a heated debate at the December 20th South Dundas council meeting with Deputy-Mayor Jim Locke voicing outrage at the township’s intention to charge local developer, Swank Construction Ltd., for snow removal in the new subdivision east of Iroquois.

He pointed out that there are already two houses in the subdivision whose occupants will be paying taxes to South Dundas. He also reminded council that Swank Construction does a lot for the township in terms of supporting growth.

According to Chief Administrative Officer Stephen McDonald, however, the agreement surrounding snow removal is in the legal contract signed between Swank Construction and South Dundas township.

He maintained, with input from the Manager of Public Works, Hugh Garlough, that the $125 fee for snow removal is within reason. He suggested that Swank hire someone else to clear the roads if he thought the cost was too high.

He further explained that “there are a whole bunch of requirements” that need to be met before the township takes over the responsibility for snow removal in the new subdivision.

Councillor Jim Graham agreed saying, “this is basically a construction site until it’s finished. It doesn’t get turned over to the township until it’s finished.”

Mayor Steven Byvelds added, “you may have a point Deputy-Mayor Locke, but it is what it is.”

Locke put forth a motion: “that we plow the road for zero dollars like we would any other road.”

No one seconded the motion.

Swank Construction will continue to be responsible for snow removal until the new subdivision meets the township’s requirements for completion.

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