Water tower is advertisement


When looking up at the water tower in Morrisburg you can’t help but see the large Canadian Tire Logo.

Canadian Tire has been renting the advertising space since 2002 and has just been accepted for another five year term with one option to renew at a fee of $350 per month.

The recommendation to extend the contract with Canadian Tire was put forth at the December 6th South Dundas council meeting by Clerk Brenda Brunt.

The store’s first contract with the township came in 2002 at a rate of $78 per month. In 2007, as Brunt reported, “a further five year term was requested and accepted at $330 per month.”

Brunt pointed out that the “increase will be applied to the water budget in 2012.”

Before passing the by-law to extend the agreement, Councillor Jim Graham asked, “has anybody else ever asked to put something else up there?”

Deputy-Mayor Jim Locke suggested that “nobody knows we own it.”

And with that, a by-law was passed extending the agreement with Canadian Tire for a further five year term.

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