‘Let them be kids’

Saturday, residents of the South Dundas community showed their true colours…their wonderful community spirit…when some 250 plus showed up at the Earl Baker Park in Morrisburg to assist with the building of the ‘Let them be kids’ playground that has now been dedicated to the SD&G Highlanders.

It was a wonderful, wonderful event for this entire community. In fact the whole project from start (in June) to finish (on Saturday) has really captured the interest and support of this community. It was a wonderful thing to see.

From the start those directly involved in the committee have kept a low profile and let the community step forward, and while we are in awe of the community response, we do have to thank those who launched the project, steered it through some very busy fund raising events, and then pulled on their gloves and went to work on Saturday.

In all events there are leaders, and in all successful events these leaders are exceptional people…they lead by example…they motivate…they garner support…and they organize…and in this case they did it all in a pleasant, inspiring way.

So we would like to thank each and every one of the committee members for all of their hard work, their long hours and their dedication to the project…Matt McCooeye, Ben Macpherson, Lois Casselman, Mike Domanko, Janet Martel, Joe McCooeye, Brian Shaver, Rosemary Laurin, John Morrow, Jack Barkley and Steve Morrow.

Also a big thank you to all of the people who worked so closely with this core group. You know who you are. We know who you are and the kids probably know who you are. So anytime you want to stop in at the park and swing a swing, or slide a slide, by all means you are most welcome.

South Dundas Community playground is up and running…for the whole community, young and not so young, to come out and enjoy.

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